Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Looking Deathworthy Essay

Researchers Jennifer L. Eberhardt, Paul G. Davis Valerie J. Purdie-Vaughns, and Sheri Lynn Johnson studied whether being stereotypically black influences the probability of receiving the death penalty. Sociologist have previously proven that people quickly apply racial stereotypes to blacks who have the stereotypically appearance of a black person. This racial profile effects how people judge an individual and this judgment may very well influence how one is treated by others. This study is important because it shows how racial stereotypes can affect the sentence given to a defendant guilty of murder. The relationship of the different sentences of black on black murders vs. black on white murders is also slightly exposed in this study. For science, this shows a new perspective of how modern society views and profiles African-American men. These stereotypes have and influence on how people treat one another, in this case African-American murder defendants, which is changing society as a whole. Judgment plays a major role in how we interact with one another. The researchers had a very basic research design. There topic was if being stereotypically black influences the possibility of being sentenced with the death penalty. They defined there problem by stating how previous researchers have found a correlation between racial profiling and how people judge others. Researchers have also found that murders of white victims are more likely than murderers of black victims to be sentenced to death. The article Looking Deathworthy by the researchers that conducted this experiment, states that the researchers reviewed plenty of previous studies, theories, and cases. They conducted the experiment in two methods. The first method they showed pictures of 44 black males convicted of murdering white victims in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia during 1979 and 1999, and showing their pictures to raters. The raters where Stanford University undergraduates who were not told the men in the pictures where convicted murderers. They simply rated the men according to how stereotypically black they looked. The researchers found that the defendants who appeared to be more stereotypically black than the others were more likely to receive a death sentence. In the second method, they used the same databases and procedures to see if the same result would be obtained in the experiment if the victims were black. They found that the perceived stereo typicality of black defendants convicted of murdering black victims did not predict a death sentence. There were a couple of limitations made by these researchers that might have effect the outcome of the research. The researchers only used black defendants from the Pennsylvania and Philadelphia area. These changes make the research only correct for that area at that particular time. They should have broadened their case studies to all the states in the U. S. the researchers also only used raters from Standford University. There is a greater chance the people from the same area and same age group judge individuals with the same mentality. They should have used different age groups and people from different backgrounds as raters. T would have made the study more valid. I feel that this was an excellent theory to experiment and I agree that it is true. Capital punishment does give harder sentences for murder defendants who look stereotypically black. However, the study should have been broader. The researchers had variables that if they removed, would have allowed their findings to be more valid.

Similarities Between Men and Women

Sociology of Women October 18th, 2012 Are men and women more similar or different from each other? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each position? If not a gender dichotomy (male/female), then what? Can we unlearn, as a culture, the ins and outs of gender? Is gender a question of exclusion or is it a question of difference? Women and Men are more similar than people believe them to be. People focus on the evident physical differences we see on a daily basis in men and women.Women are commonly described to have breasts, a vagina, and are considered more â€Å"voluptuous† or curvy than men, Whereas men are known for their manly tools, their penis, and all the preconceived social and cultural notions that go along with that. However, aside from these minor physical differences men and women are innately the same. Although most people do not realize this, the only legitimate difference that is scientifically proven between men and women is that a woman’s body contai ns two X chromosomes and a man’s contains an X and Y chromosome (Connell, 2012, pg. 1). This biological difference then allows a woman’s body to develop slightly differently to enable reproduction, such as a womb, breasts, and wider pelvis. A man then develops testes but surprisingly both men and women’s genitals come from the same embryonic tissue. In other words biologically a penis and clitoris, scrotum and labia, come from the exact same starting place, and until people age these physical characteristics aren’t drastically visibly different (Connell, 2012, pg. 52).One of the most ridiculous arguments about the differences between men and women comes back to our hormones. Many people are taught the differences between men and women throughout popular culture and education but not similarities. We are taught that our gendered bodies do not share any of the same physical characteristics. Men should be buff, taller, and able to do more in terms of strengt h while women should be graceful, dainty, caregivers that are objects to look at. Most people are unaware of all the commonalities that men and women share.In fact our hormones function in the same ways, and there are not â€Å"male† or â€Å"female† hormones. The difference is the levels and patterns our hormones take on. Men generally have higher levels of androgens such as testosterone whereas women have higher levels of reproductive organs at certain points. What most people are unaware of is that the same reproductive hormones present in women also work in men to enable the process of sperm production (Women's Studies Collective, 2005, pg. 87). There is a huge overlap in the levels and process our bodies take on.As explained in the text, â€Å"Even in early adulthood the physical characteristics of males and females as a group overlap extensively† (Connell, 2009, pg. 52). Height is used as an example, because adult men are generally slightly taller than adu lt women, but the variety of heights within each biological group is large, in relation to the average difference. Many argue that the build of a man and a woman are completely different. It is true that men on average grow about 10 to 15 percent larger than females and tend to have more upper body strength, but in comparison to other mammals the margin is slim.Universities across the United States are providing new research that suggests it was similarities among men and women of our early ancestors, not differences which helped early humans evolve to become the dominant species that we are. To understand the similarities of men and women you must understand that sex is a biological categorization based primarily on reproductive potential, whereas gender is the social elaboration of biological sex. Not surprisingly, social norms for heterosexual coupling and care of any resulting children are closely intertwined with gender.But that is far from the full story. Gender builds on biol ogical sex, but it exaggerates biological difference, and it carries biological difference into domains in the world which it is completely irrelevant. There is no biological reason, for example, why women should take more delicate roles in the world and men should dominate in society, or why women should have red toenails and men should not, but as we consider sex as biological and gender as social, this difference is not clear-cut.Men and women require the same types of emotional and physical care from the time of birth to adulthood, in order to remain healthy and functioning members of society. Both male and female brains are exactly the same. An argument that is commonly seen about the male and female brain is that on average a man’s brains grows for a bit longer and are a bit larger than females, but aside from the slight size difference both a male and females brain can function the same way. Size does not relate to function. Both men and women go through life trying to fulfill a desire to have emotional connections with others.Whether these are positive or negative emotional connections based on the persons experiences, men and women still try to fulfill the same voids. Men and women also require the same physical care from birth to adulthood. Both men and women need to be physically cared for in order to survive. Men and women both require the basic needs to have food, water, shelter, and personal hygiene in order to maintain their health. Without one of these things either sex could die. This is explained clearly is Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs which explains that you satisfy your biological needs before your personal and social needs.According to Maslow, when it comes to satisfying your needs, you begin at the bottom of the needs hierarchy, with physiological needs, and then work your way toward the top. Every level on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs explains needs that both men and women require such as Level 1-Physiological needs: Food, water, sex, and sleep, Level 2-Safety needs: Protection from harm, Level 3- Love and belonging needs: Affiliation with others and acceptance by others, Level 4-Esteem needs: Achievement, competency, gaining approval and recognition, Level 5- Self-actualization: Fulfillment of one’s unique potential (Plotnik ; Kouyoumdjian, 2011, pg. 33). Another huge argument regarding the differences between men and women is sexual behaviors and urges. However, it is becoming more obvious that both men and women have the same sexual desires and urges and it’s becoming more socially acceptable for both man and woman to engage in these behaviors in Western Society. In previous times men were described to have more sexual urges and behaviors than women which excused them from any promiscuous behavior they engaged in. However, if a woman chose to do similar things she ould be shunned and looked down upon because she was being â€Å"too promiscuous† or a â€Å"whore. à ¢â‚¬  Reality is that both men and women have very complex sexual lives, with few major differences. Often time’s differences are seen across sexes because of societal and cultural beliefs within that community. If a woman having sex with more than one partner is considered a sin and dirty in many cultures these instances are kept quiet to keep order. The same goes with a man, but often only men’s sexual tales are spoken of as less sinful.Society proves time and time again to be sexual biased on what is acceptable for men and women. Men and women are both simply results of societal and cultural upbringing. A woman in a Western society versus a Middle-Eastern society would behave differently due to family, beliefs, values, and Religion. Strengths for a man versus a woman are based on personal beliefs. I think that both men and women have too many similarities to not be considered equal, but there are not enough strong-willed women such as myself with the same thought p rocess.Western culture presents men as stronger physically, and ultimately the bread winner, where a woman is considered a caregiver, and delicate. It’s very hard to explain the strengths and weaknesses of two different sexes that are innately the same. A dichotomy is any splitting of a whole into exactly two non-overlapping parts, meaning a gender dichotomy is a procedure in which biological sex is divided into two parts, male and female. Societies around the world use a gender dichotomy to keep order and help better organize and understand sex and gender.Although with how much evidence there is on both man and woman overlapping we have no use for a gender dichotomy, and yet society remains the same to keep gender in order. With the elimination of a gender dichotomy society may eventually be able to see both man and woman as equal, but truth is we are still so far from that. In order to eliminate the separation of biological sex into two parts people would need to unlearn wh at they know about gender, which is far from happening. As a culture to unlearn something mass groups of people need to step forward with new information proving the previous to be wrong.However, feminism is still a growing movement with small numbers, and in order to make social change, sadly enough, we need large numbers of people to explain the facts. If people understood the real depths of feminism and what it entails in a positive way, The Feminist movement could help move forward how people view men and women as more similar than different. Human beings are like sponges for knowledge, and are able to obtain new information to help remove the old, so I am not saying that it is impossible to unlearn the ins and outs of gender, I am simply saying that as most progression does, it will take time.References Connell, R. (2012). Short introductions gender. (2nd ed. , pg. 50-71). Massachusetts, USA: Polity Press. Women's Studies Collective, H. C. (2005). Women's Realities, Women's Cho ices- An Introduction to Women's Studies. (3rd ed. , pg. 85-87). New York, New York: Oxford University Press. Plotnik, R. , ; Kouyoumdjian, H. (2011). Introduction to Psychology. (9th ed. , p. 333). Belmont, CA, USA: Wadsworth- Cengage Learning.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Knowledge and skills framework Essay

According to DH (2004), NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (NHS KSF) refers to the information that NHS employees need to implement in their service delivery to guarantee quality. NHS issues a single, comprehensive, consistent and exceptional structure to execute in the review and motivation for all the staff. NHS KSF and its success have been as result of its drive for Agenda for Change. The designs are made to cut across all NHS employees irrespective of their capacity, as long as they fall under the change agreement for the agenda. This agreement is applicable to all the staff with exceptions of physicians, dentists and board management team, who have different arrangements for their advancement review. Throughout this study, the staffs mentioned are those who fall under the Agenda for Change National Agreement. Purpose of NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework The role of NHS KSF framework is to foster advancement of services to address the needs of the users and the entire public. Also it supports efficient learning and advancement of persons and groups of persons in their career development. This purpose does however; consider other facets such as empowerment of individuals in their capacities which promotes diversity and equality for the entire staff, in order to foster development (DH, 2004). Core dimensions According to Moullin (2002), NHS KSF is structured to create 30 dimensions which seek to identify major roles required by NHS to facilitate better quality services to the people. Six of the dimensions however are core to every position in NHS. These core dimensions include communication, which suggests ways of improving communication between various categories of people, individual and people advancement, which seeks to advance individual capacity as well as empowering other stakeholders within the health sector, health, safety and security which assists in the maintenance of one’s health status while considering the security of others, quality which facilitates the maintenance of one quality of service delivery and encourage others to formulate a culture that seeks to improve quality, service improvement and lastly, equality and diversity. The other dimensions do not apply to all groups and are specific to particular jobs. Communication as a core dimension According to McSherry (2008), Communication as a core dimension may assume the following forms: verbal communication, written and signing communication, electronic conveyance of information, communication aids, communication through third parties (for instance translators and interpreters). This passage of information entails communicating with patients, families, general public and their representatives, co-workers and colleagues. These forms of communication may also face challenges for instance a noisy environment. Personal health and the welfare of the individuals involved and social conflicts such as violent situations are other obstacles to effective communication to various groups of people. Communication may also be impaired by illiteracy levels which may interfere with the capacity to read and write. The existing policy frameworks and procedures may also act as barriers to communication when assessed from local or international dimensions. The policies may entail confidentiality, conflict resolution and preservation of information among others (McSherry, 2008). Application of effective communication Effective communication entails identification of the information conveyed by others in additional to self communication. It also involves advancing effective communication interactions which are characterized by advancements in the communication situation, subject matter, intention and the number of individuals being communicated to, their backgrounds and the impacts that this may have on the communication skills obtained. Effective communication entails communicating with a wide range of persons over diverse issues and formulating procedure of advancing communication on complex matters and situations (DH, 2000). Equality and Diversity Promotion of equality and appreciation of diversity is based on the belief that investment in workforce enhances service delivery and improves patients care across the continents (DH, 2004). Trainers, trainees and others stakeholders need to be involved in the administration of relevant questionnaires regularly. People’s diversity and equality attract recognition on the basis of gender, age and social backgrounds. Patients, families, co-workers within NHS and those from outside may experience oppression, discrimination or harassment based on their place of origin, ethnicity, mental status, bodily outlook among others. The policies, regulations and procedures that have been put in place to address inequality and diversity include domestic laws and international agreements pertaining to human rights, employment, anti-discriminatory activities and conflict resolution mechanisms (KAI, 2004). According to RCGP (2007), equality entails participation by all and access to opportunities to reveal their maximum potential. Under UK laws, all institutions have a responsibility to counter discrimination and enhance diversity. Diversity involves recognizing and appreciating the differences in order to create a culture that values, respects and harnesses the difference for the satisfaction of the entire institution. Influence on communication on my current practice and personal life Effective communication has contributed significant in influencing my personal life as well as my life as a nurse. It has enabled me to minimize the common obstacles of communication for instance addressing individuals of particular groups while maintaining a positive image of myself. Communication has also enabled me to provide reports with precision according to institutional procedures. This however does not make me forget that there are policies, legislations and procedures that need to be observed. Every form of communication goes along with accountability, to ensure that it does not jeopardize the discharge of responsibilities bestowed on me (DH, 2004). Communication has also enabled me to exemplify my skills to a wide range of persons and help resolve any differences that may accrue. This has helped me to address people of diverse backgrounds consistently especially when delivering information that I feel may not be pleasant such as the death of a close relative. This is accompanied by giving relevant feedbacks which comply with institutional policies and procedures. Decision making is another attribute which have gained through effective communication. There are some instances when I am expected to provide an immediate feedback especially on life threatening matters. Effective communication has also helped me in the resolution of disputes arising during the daily discharge of my duties. These skills do not only apply to professional life and have come in hand to shape my personal life towards the positive direction. It is based on this argument that Moullin (2002) states that communication dimension applies to all the sectors where there is interaction between people. Moullin also notes that this does not come without challenges for instance where the actions of people are beyond their control, poor historical background in communication and complexity of circumstances which may sometimes go beyond once control. Communication comes in handy when advocating issues on behalf of my colleagues, asserting a stand and retaining its adversity, revelation of unwelcoming news and supporting the recipients of the news. Communication has also emerged vital in the delivery of presentations which significantly encourages active contribution by the audience (DH, 2000). Influence of equality and diversity dimensions in my current practice and personal life According to Moonie, Bates and Spencer-Perkinsd (2004), equality and diversity are two crucial dimensions that have enable me in my profession to improve my interpersonal relationships with people. It has assisted me in my interactions with clients, colleagues and people across various institutions. I have appreciated the diversity that exist within the society and have learnt to appreciate people of diverse cultures, ages, creeds and other social backgrounds. The nursing profession has exposed me to diverse issue which can only be addressed by accommodating and appreciating people the way they are. My movement from one institution to the other within the health sector has improved my performance after being exposed to different values and challenges which have made me a better nurse. My support for equality has been unperturbed and I have learnt various policies and legislative procedures which assess the effectiveness of institutions for instance the Gender Recognition Act, 2004 (Cooper, 2004). Equality has helped me to appreciate the fact equal opportunities need to make accessible to all people irrespective of their financial capabilities. Through my understanding of equality and diversity, I have perceived the extent to which laws could be applied to foster culture and to address the discriminatory challenges that engulf the society. I have also appreciated that the success of this core dimension is subject to proper resource allocation, advancement and existence of relevant services. Lastly, equality has motivated me to play the role of being a good model that is considerate of all members of the society irrespective of their shortcomings (Hargie, (2006). Conclusion From the literature cited above, it is exhibited that NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework creates opportunities for information sharing and the implementation of this information enhances service delivery and creates motivation for the staff working in health institutions. NHS has been motivated by its drive for change which has enhanced the implementation of the six core dimensions in health care delivery. Communication which is the first core dimension determines the operations of the other core dimensions. Efficient communication entails establishing a good rapport with various stake holders who include professionals, institutions and clients. NHS Knowledge and Skills framework also identifies and appreciates the significance of equality and diversity while dealing with individuals of various backgrounds. Relevant policies, laws and procedures are put in to place to ensure that discrimination does not jeopardize service delivery in the health sector (Moonie, Bates and Spencer-Perkinsd, 2004). References Berry, D 2007. Health Communication Theory and Practice, Maidenhead: Open University Press. Cooper, D 2004. Challenging Diversity: Rethinking Equality and the Value of Difference. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Department of Health, DH 2000. The Vital Connection-an equalities framework for the NHS working together for quality and equality. Department of Health, DH 2003. Equalities and Diversity in the NHS-progress and priorities, London: Department of Health. Department of Health, 2004. The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (NHS KSF) and the Development Review Process, Department of Health Publications: London, Retrieved from www. dh. gov. uk/policyAndGuidance/HumanResourcesAndTraining/ModernisingPay/agendaForChange/fs/en Department of Health, 2004. The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (NHS KSF), London: Department of Health Publications. Hargie, O. (ed), 2006. The Handbook of Communication Skills. London: Routledge. Hilary, G, 2007. Unequal lives: Health and Socio-economic Inequalities. London: Routledge. KAI, J. (ed), 2004. Valuing Diversity- a resource for effective health care of ethnically diverse communities- a Training manual London: Royal College of General Practitioners. McSherry, R, 2008. An Introduction to Excellence in Practice development in Health and Social Care Maidenhead Open University Press. Moonie, N. , Bates, A. & Spencer-Perkinsd, 2004. Diversity and Rights in Care. Oxon: Harcourt Education Ltd. Moullin, M, 2002. Delivering Excellence in Health and Social Care. Maidenhead: Open University Press. Royal College of General Practitioners, RCGP, 2007. Promoting Equality and Valuing Diversity, 14 Princes Gate, Hyde Park: London.

Monday, July 29, 2019

2500 1day Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

2500 1day - Essay Example Some environmental management plans of the University include biodiversity management plan, carbon management plan, energy efficiency management plan and environmental sustainability policy. The University has joined the EcoCampus scheme that is aligned with ISO 14001 which is an international environmental management standard. The University building policy is based on preventing overheating of the building, ensuring utilization of natural ventilation and light, minimizing heat loss and equipping the buildings with energy efficient equipment. Generally, all the contractors must supply the university with a company environmental policy in order to show evidence on the ability to ensure the buildings meet the expected environmental building standards. The environmental sustainability plan aims at minimizing the impact of the University activities on the environment and ensuring that green IT systems are functional within all the campuses. The plan also ensures the carbon emissions are monitored and calculated according to the amount of energy utilized and all targets are achieved within the stipulated time period. The environmental sustainability is also geared at minimizing harmful chemical disposal, excessive carbon emissions, water wastage and improving the wellbeing of the stakeholders. The environmental management and sustainability system of Edinburgh Napier University includes environmental, economic, ethical and social factors (Edinburgh Napier University, 2013). The university is committed to entrenching the principles of sustainability in the planning and operations processes throughout all the activities of the organisation. The University has supported the carbon management programme. The current environmental sustainability plan promotes sustainability in all teaching and research activities in the University. The University has partnered with other stakeholders in encouraging the awareness of sustainability approaches and encourages the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business Continuity Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business Continuity Management - Essay Example Some of the components of a business continuity plan are business and disaster recovery, crisis, incident and emergency management, product recall and unforeseen event planning. For this Business Continuity Management to be functional, it has to be grown (Eliot et al 2009, 1). From a simple obscure branch, it grows into a completely fledged conventional business practice. To affect this, one has to have some acquaintance in the key concepts of building a flexible organization and involve the use of a standard (BS 25999) as a channel towards best practice (Blyth 2009, p10). In this paper, we look at the implementation of business continuity management, its value with an effort to ascertain the context in which it is implemented in dealing with challenges that come with any business environment. Getting started with business continuity management According to Hiles (2010, p110) Business Continuity Management is a major component of comprehensive emergency management plan. It is thus an important asset for any organization, for it allows quick recovery form a disruption. It is not that organizations hope for disruptions to happen; it is only that in the current business environment, globalization has come with various uncertainties (Blyth 2009, p10).Therefore, a Business Continuity Management plan has to be clear to the participators, to the point and made in a way that it is directly meeting the needs of any given organization. It is, therefore, advisable that it becomes part of the manner in which an organization operates. In the past, this had always been a reserve for big multinational corporations. However, the recent past has seen a rise in the employment of such a plan with companies rising to the occasion of protecting its interest’s and its reputation (Eliot et al 2009, p1). Therefore, the firs t step involves the acceptance of its usefulness by the senior managers and the boss of a company. However, it should be of essence that this involves every employee, for it is part of their responsibilities. As a matter of fact, the existence of a business continuity coordinator is very essential. This is because; his team is given the responsibility of spearheading the whole process by providing the resources needed to manage the implementation of this BC program. Some of these steps concerned in the progress of this plan include: Understand the vulnerabilities of one’s company. Define the business continuity strategy. Develop a plan. Cultural change. Rehearse the plan. Background Business Continuity Management has its origins in catastrophe recovery planning. From this perspective, it grew to emergency planning before maturing into the ultimate new tactically focused management concern it is today(Blyth 2009, pp1-29). Having its roots in information systems, it has afforded to move from this technical focus to compliance focus. Some businesses are seeing beyond this s to a strategic focus. This has mainly been due to the chan ging requirements of both the stakeholders and the organizations. Relevance of business continuity management It is important for businesses that operate under risky environments such as finance, telecommunications, transportation and civic division to embrace this plan. This is because, the ability of them continuing to operate is majorly dependent on the organization as well

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Critical Social Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Social Analysis - Essay Example The basic assumption of the article underlined the fact that the privileges enjoyed by the whites deliberately override the basic rights and freedom of persons belonging to different color of skin, culture and religion. The repercussions of such discriminations are extensive and often abusive for underprivileged segment of society living in extreme poverty and sub human conditions in various parts of the world. The condition in South Africa is worth mentioning because of the abject poverty which has resulted in HIV/AIDS pandemic. As per the article, out of 3 million cases, 2.4 million HIV/AIDS cases were in Africa only! The writers are appalled that such human misery has, neither evoked empathy among the rich nations nor has it penetrated their hard faà §ade of self interest. One of the major ideas that the article propagates is that of health being one of the fundamental rights of all persons. Health is incorporated in the 1946 constitution of WHO2 and 1948 declaration of Human Rights. They clearly state the need for a minimum standard of living and access to medical facilities, food and housing for every human being, irrespective of race, religion, political belief and socio-economic conditions. The concept has been accepted in theory but practical implementation has yet to take off. The callous attitude towards the less fortunate can be gauged by Andrew Natsios, USAID Director when he said that Africans should not receive lifesaving AIDS treatment because ‘they don’t know what Western time is’(Salim). This is most blatant expression of racism at its worst not because of its offensive content but that it is uttered by a man of authority who is fully aware that he will get away with any blasà © attitude because he is white and he is American. America indeed, has turned out to be the biggest promoter of global apartheid. The inequalities and discriminatory practices are a legacy

Friday, July 26, 2019

Organized Crime Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3

Organized Crime - Assignment Example The criminal organization is also known as underworld, mob or crime syndicate. This research paper would not only highlight different aspects of organized crime but shall even reflect upon the importance of waterways or ports. Organized crime is a specific category of crime and is highly distinguishable from financial crimes, white-collar crimes, war crimes, treason, state crimes and political crimes. There are measures being undertaken to safeguard countries from such organized crimes but support from higher authorities tends to increase the frequency of organized crime. Illegal drugs are transported through ports or waterways which forms an integral part of organized crime. High-profit margins are secured through transportation of drugs to various locations. On the other hand, illegal ammunition is also transported through waterways. This, in turn, enhances the strength of criminals and increases adverse impacts created by organized crime. Decreased level of inspection has facilita ted vulnerability of ports. Spatial characteristics and physical layout of ports are highly challenging in terms of law enforcement. The research aim of a study sets forth the purpose of any particular research study. This paper would aim at analyzing the significance of waterways or ports in organized crime. Waterways are always considered to be an ideal medium through which goods or services are transported to different locations. However, this form of transportation medium holds a great deal of significance within organized crime. Illegal activities are easily executed with the support of these mediums. Corruption or smuggling are vital components of organized crime and is exhibited with the support of waterways or ports. Research objectives for this study are – Thesis statement of the research study is – â€Å"ways in which organized crime operates in waterways and port areas.† This statement forms the basis of any research study and outcomes are based on th is thesis statement.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 11

Compare and contrast - Essay Example This article includes two of the famous speeches delivered by prolific individuals taking part in the debate, highlighting the comparison, context and writers’ overall views on slavery and the country. Abraham Lincoln and James Henry were key figures in the slavery debate and through their contributions that included public speeches on their positions; they made much impact that shaped the direction of the debate. The striking similarity is the importance with which these two gentlemen introduced into the debate that was very important to the American society. Lincoln’s â€Å"Speech in Peoria† deeply expressed slavery issues in a passionate way just as Henry’s â€Å"Letter to English Abolitionists† did. The reader is able to extract the strong character of the two personalities that these gentlemen were from their documents1. However, there are a few contrasting issues that emerge from an analysis of the two documents. On one hand, it appears that Lincoln advocates for the abolition of slavery which defines his historical engagement with the American political scenes. Lincoln delivered his speech in reiteration of the repealing of the Missouri Compromise that was powerful in prohibiting slavery in some parts of the United States2. This powerful document acted as a conflict resolving compromise agreed by the two sides of the debate on slavery in the United States. By delivering the Speech in Peoria, Lincoln was delivering his opinion and that of the antislavery campaigners who obviously stood disadvantaged from the unfortunate repeal decision that meant verification and authentication of slavery (Lincoln Institute, 1). On the other hand, the Letter to English Abolitionists prepared by Henry was delivered at a time when the standoff on slavery was still fresh. Henry contributions, unlike those contained in Lincoln’s speech seemed to favour slavery

BMW and UN Global Compact Principles Case Study - 4

BMW and UN Global Compact Principles - Case Study Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that the long experience and exposure of manufacturing such a high quality product has earned a respectable status for us in comparison with the several competitor automobile manufacturing corporations, on the foundations of which our company is in a position to make suggestions and recommendations to the Local Network regarding the strict observing of the UN Global Compact principles while exercising corporate strategies and observing business activitiesJohnson & Scholes suggest that strategy formulation might apparently be obtained through the analysis of the organization’s environment and the extent to which the company’s resources or strategic capability are matched with the environment. (1993: 156). Our company looks for the unconditional observing of moral values and corporate ethics on the basis of Global Compact principles in order to provide the consumers the superior commodities on the one hand and best and healthy com petitive corporate environment on the other. Columbia University Press views that corporate ethics have developed as people have reflected on the intentions and consequences of their acts. From this reflection on the nature of human behavior, theories of conscience have developed, giving direction too much ethical thinking. ( BMW Automobile has devised the slogan of â€Å"sheer driving pleasure† because of its unique outlook, comfortable inside accessories and unparalleled garnishing, which have won the status of one of the most demanded automobiles by the elite stratum of all countries. Bidgoli argues that international markets offer vast opportunities for firms with a product or service in high demand. Newness, cultural adaptation, attractiveness, and appropriate marketing strategies can help tremendously.† (2009, 9) The same is applied to BMW, which adopt all schemes in light of all the ten UN corporate principles. The present paper focuses on Principles No. 7 & 8, recommended by the UN Global Compact, which state: (7). Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; (8). Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility. ( BMW fulfills both of them in their real sense. BMW adopts the Evolutionary corporate perspective articulated by Whittington. The process vehemently looks for the gradual human growth on the basis of Darwinian biological evolution theory â€Å"Survival of the Fittest†, where the notion warns the companies regarding the existence of perfect competition prevailing in the market; only those can survive who are the fittest according to the changing scenario and latest developments being made within the environment. In other words, the industries that are environmental-friendly as well as able enough to mold their strategies according to the alterations being made in the commercial environment, make sure headway on the way to progress. Recom mendations: i) Establishment of Corporate Environment with an Evolutionary Perspective: Benefits & Implications: a. Automobile community can assure its survival provided it sticks to the Darwinian doctrine of adaptability according to the changes within the environment. The companies should be encouraged to devise and revise their strategies keeping in view the global market scenario. b. Our company’s plans and schemes show the light of hope to the network members, where they learn the implementation of dichotomous business policies by cut-short of expenditures and price of product subsequently to make it affordable for consumers.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

English Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

English Proposal - Essay Example Traffic flux concentration around the campus area has created a wedge between the neighborhood and the campus. The rising animosity of the social and environment protecting NGOs, for the university, owes to the damage to the environment caused by encouraged use of automobiles and the university catering to this cause instead of putting it to a halt. The construction of the parking areas, their operation and maintenance takes a large portion of the funds from the university authorities that can be brought to use for other reasonable projects. "The university has created opportunities to make capital investments in buildings supporting education instead of structures for cars." Says Peter Dewy, assistant director of transportation services. The reliance on automobiles can be set off by the proposal I suggest to the Office of the Chancellor/ Public Affairs. This proposal would help bridge up the gap between the neighborhood and the campus, help sustain the environment, maintain green society, narrow down the budget, abate the traffic flux and give the students a breathing- friendly atmosphere. Students are chauffeured to their schools but once they start off with universities they prefer driving to their campus on their own. In a survey, almost out of every 10 students 7 owned their own cars. The increasing reliance on automobiles has rendered students incapable of even walking from one side of the campus to the other. A few colleagues use their cars to drive from their dormitories to the classes, which are only a few minute walk away. Colleges and universities are somewhat unique in their access requirements, since they are made out of different schools, each having its own specific needs to secure its assets. This poses many challenges in the process of designing a parking and access control system for them. Designing an efficient and cost effective automated access and parking system for university campuses goes

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What Is Justice For Socrates And Augustine Who (Or What) Is The Essay

What Is Justice For Socrates And Augustine Who (Or What) Is The Highest Authority To Judge - Essay Example Socrates and Augustine were two philosophers that were born into very different ages, filled with different social influences, different religions and different pressures. These differences drove the philosophical theories of the men, and how they defined justice as well as who or what they perceived as the highest authority to judge them. Socrates was born in 470 BC and executed by poison in 399 BC, a time at which Greek religion was prominent. His philosophy was auditory, through dialogue and the exchange of questions and answers with those he was talking with. As a consequence he produced no written works of his philosophy; however, his student Plato produced many written dialogues of Socrates’ philosophy. The dialogues Apology and Crito provide strong indications of his philosophy in regards to justice and the authority to judge. Augustine was born into a much later time, 354 AD, where parts of the Roman Empire were collapsing, and Christianity was becoming the dominant re ligion. His series of autobiographic books Confessions chronicle his life up till his early 40s and include many philosophical and theological discussions concerning God. These books show the way in which Augustine views justice and judgment. Socrates Socrates was born in 470 BC and died in 399 BC. ... This ‘Socratic Method’ involved him asking probing questions in a manner that eventually led them to the truth. He would spend a large amount of time in public places, engaging citizens in discussion in an attempt to draw them into greater levels of self-analysis. Plato was a student of Socrates from a young age and wrote many dialogues based on the philosophy that he learned. In the years surrounding 380 BC Plato established a school which forwarded education with focuses on math, music, athletics, philosophy and sciences. Beyond Plato, the only other writer who recorded the philosophy of Socrates was Xenophon; however he did not always portray Socrates philosophically. As a consequence, the writings of Plato are the only indication of Socrates’ philosophy, and it is difficult to tell what parts is Plato’s own philosophy and which are from Socrates. Apology Apology is titled for the term for a Greek defense speech, apologia. Socrates has been brought to tr ial before the court of Athens with the accusations of corrupting youth, inventing new gods and not recognizing those gods that are accepted by the state. Apology consists of his defense speech against the charges which includes the cross examination of his main accuser, Meletus. In his dialogue with Meletus, Socrates leads him through questions into charging Socrates both with the invention of new gods and with atheism, two contradictory charges. When asked what method of punishment he would prefer on the verdict of guilty, Socrates opts for death over prison or exile, as he will never stop philosophizing and does not fear death. Throughout Apology, Socrates repeatedly and consistently defends his right to be a philosopher and to the way in which he lives. He makes it clear to the court that the aim

Monday, July 22, 2019

Sasa Background Essay Example for Free

Sasa Background Essay Sasa Company has about 240 of retail sale shops and counters in Asia area. Otherwise, in Asia, there have six main markets in Hong Kong, Mainland, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and Macau. Also Sasa Company hired around 4000 employees. It sells more about 600 brands products, include skin-care product, perfume, toiletry, hairlogist, body-care product and beauty nutrition product. t is very popular in Asia because in Sasa there have more choice to give customer to buy, sometimes Sasa also will agent some of the brand for only their company to sell out to attract more customers to buy their products. Sasa’s target customers include young female, lady and family(daily product),man, actually Sasa’s products are suitable for great majority people to use, most of the type for their product is skin-care product, it is useful for children, female and man so Sasa have a large target customers to make this company be more popular in these years. The position that we have selected in Sasa Company is buyer. Buyer is a very important position in a company, it decide what, which product the company will sell in the market so buyer must very clear about what the customers need in the market what type of product will attract more. After to confirm which type or which brand of the product the company should choose, buyer have to talk with the brand company about the authority of agency, include the price, the time-limit, etc.. So buyer must have a good connect skill with people and the sense of responsibility. There have a vacancy in Sasa company because this position’s requests are very high and lots companies are need this position mostly, most the company they have be deficient in buyers, because the candidate must have more experience in similar job in the past so just can handle this job well and truly, also the candidate must have a good language culture to contact with their brand company, have a nice social contact in the related trade.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Anatomy and Physiology Case Study

Anatomy and Physiology Case Study Case #1: A 60 year old man with long-standing type II diabetes that has been untreated with insulin is admitted to the hospital after reporting noticeably bloody urine. Bilaterally, he has no feeling in the bottoms of his feet and decreased sensitivity mid-shin, while sensation at the knees is normal. Upon examination the clinician notices that the patient’s lenses are cloudy, and the patient is having a difficult time reading his admissions paperwork. The patient’s blood pressure is also elevated. Why might this patient have blood in his urine? The patient may be suffering from a bladder or kidney infection. What other abnormalities would typically be found in such a patient’s urinalysis? Urinalysis may show High Blood Sugar. What is causing the bilateral desensitization of the lower limbs? It is possible that the patients diabetes is not controlled causing damage to the nerves and hardening of the arteries which can cause decreased sensation and poor blood circulation in the feet. Why are this patient’s lenses cloudy? The patient may be suffering from glaucoma, or cataracts. Why might this patient have difficulty reading his admissions papers? The patient may be suffering from Presbyopia, in which the lens of the eye loses its ability to focus, making it difficult to see up close. How is the elevated blood pressure related to the other symptoms? H causes all these symptoms so there is a chance that the high blood level may be the problem of why there was urine in the blood, numbness, and vision impairment. Case #2: Julie Turner, a 27 year old non-pregnant female, has grown increasingly anxious about changes in both her behavior and body recently. She consults her physician and complains of insomnia, gastrointestinal instability, feeling excited, and weight loss. She also reports that even though she has lost weight, her â€Å"double chin† has not gone away. Upon examination, the physician notes that, while not pronounced, Julie’s eyes seem larger, and her reflexes are excitable. The physician decides to send Julie to an endocrinologist for a consultation. What does an endocrinologist specialize in? Diagnose and treat diseases related to hormones. Define hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism or â€Å"Overactive Thyroid†, is a condition in which the thyroid gland makes too much thyroid hormone. Which of Julie’s signs an symptoms are compatible with hyperthyroidism? Weight loss Does Julie show signs and symptoms specific to Grave’s disease? Yes, Grave’s disease actually causes most hyperthyroidism. Why might Julie be mistakenly thinking she has a â€Å"double chin†? Julie may be mistaken by the fact that her â€Å"double chin† is actually her swollen thyroid. What is the doctor concerned with when they notices that Julie has â€Å"large eyes†? Julie may be tired and not getting enough rest. If Grave’s disease is confirmed, what is the most likely treatment? First beta blockers will be prescribed and once all the results are confirmed they will either give Julie Radioactive iodine or Anti-thyroid medicine. Case #3: George is a 50 year old man that had a severe motorcycle accident 12 years ago. As a result of the accident, George had one kidney and part of his small intestine removed because they were hemorrhaging. Immediately following recovery, George had some weight loss that he was told to expect because of malabsorption caused by having his intestine removed. George has never returned to work due to his injuries, and mostly sits inside and watches TV and reads. Recently, however, George broke his wrist trying to catch himself from falling. When he was examined, he was told that his bones had become weak. Define osteopenia and osteoporosis. Which does George seem to have? Osteopenia refers to bone mineral density (BMD) that is lower than normal peak BMD but not low enough to be classified as osteoporosis.Osteoporosis is a progressive disease that causes bones to become thin and brittle, making them more likely to break. George seems to have Osteoporosis. What is the most common type of fracture of the wrist in a person of George’s age? Explain how Vitamin D, calcidiol, and calcitriol are synthesized? Calcidiol, or 25-hydroxyvitamin D, is the main storage form of vitamin D, Low calcidiol levels in the blood indicate a vitamin D deficiency, which can lead to weak bones. Your kidneys convert calcidiol into calcitriol, or 1, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, the active form of vitamin D that promotes calcium absorption. How could George’s missing kidney be related to his decreased bone strength? The lack of vitamin D and calcium absorption which having a vitamin D deficiency will cause bone weakness. How could George’s partial small intestine be related to his decreased bone strength? It could decrease the calcium you eat from being absorbed into your blood causing your blood calcium to become and stay low. If George has a decreasing density of his bones due to his previous injuries, what is the classification of his condition? George is suffering from Osteoporosis. Could George’s lack of time outside be a factor in his weak bones? It’s part of one of the factor’s the other is based on the fact of George laying around and not doing anything which is causing his bones to weaken. Case #4: Pete is a 250 lb man that played 15 years of professional football. Pete quit football at that age of 38 when his hips and knees became too painful to play. He has tried to manage the pain with OTC antiinflammatory drugs for the past 20 years. Now 58 years old, Pete has a severe limp on his right side and gone to the doctor in hopes to get stronger pain medication. His general doctor orders X-rays, which reveal bilateral narrowing of both hip and knee joints. The right acetabulum shows bony projections extending toward the femoral head. What does Pete suffer from? Pete is suffering from Osteoarthritis. What are Pete’s risk factors? Osteoarthritis causes the cartilage in a joint to become stiff and lose its elasticity, making it more susceptible to damage. As the cartilage deteriorates, tendons and ligaments stretch, causingpain. If the condition worsens, the bones could rub against each other. Explain whether or not the 20 years of OTC antiinflammatory medications has really helped anything? OTC may have helped with the swelling and mild pain but that’s as far as they help. What are the bony projections of the acetabulum called? The acetabulum is the socket of the ball-and-socket hip joint. The top of the thigh bone (femur) forms the ball, and the socket (acetabulum) is part of the pelvic bone. Does Pete need to see an orthopedic surgeon, or can the general doctor treat Pete’s condition? Pete would have to go see an Orthopedic Surgeon for his case. Is Pete a candidate for joint replacement surgery? One of the alternatives Pete may want to look into is Total hip Arthroplasty (THA) is one of the most successful surgical interventions that leads to improvement in quality of life and provides significant improvements in both pain and function. Case #5: A 67 year old African-American male presents to his family physician for a checkup. It has been more than 5 years since his last checkup. A thorough examination including a digital rectal examination and history is unremarkable for a man of his age. The physician orders several different blood tests, including a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level. Why would a physician order several blood tests for a person with no apparent problems? PSA is detected through a man’s blood and also the patient has not been to a checkup for 5 years. Does this man have any risk factors for anything in particular? Yes, he is at risk of prostate cancer. What is a digital rectal exam used to test for? The Rectal exam helps to detect growths or enlargements of the prostate gland in men. Why is a PSA level an important test for this man? This exam measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen in the blood. What would an elevated PSA level indicate? Elevated levels would mean inflammation of the prostate gland or prostate cancer. If this man has elevated PSA, how would it be treated? Depending on the level that the test comes back a urine test may be provided to check for a UTI that may be causing the levels to be elevated if not a biopsy may be suggested to confirm if and where the cancer is. Case #6: A 26 year old women presents at the clinic with a complaint of infertility. She and her husband have tried unsuccessfully for over one year. She reports irregular menses since menarche at age 13. She has never been pregnant, and has always had Pap smears. She reports at least a dozen sexual partners and was treated for gonorrhea 6 years ago. He husband has had normal semen analysis results. What are the risk factors for female infertility? Irregular menstrual cycle, age, can be risk factors as well as sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea can cause fallopian tube damage. Which of these risk factors may be involved in this case? In this case Gonorrhea is the biggest risk factor. What hormone levels would be appropriate to ascertain? If the problem is a pituitary hormone imbalance, which hormone(s) might be involved? The hormone Hyposecretion would be involved. If the problem is an ovarian hormone imbalance, which hormone(s) might be involved? Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: PCOS is a disruption in communication between the brain, the pituitary gland and the ovaries. PCOS is characterized by irregular or lack of ovulation, irregular or lack of menstrual periods. Define pelvic inflammatory disease. Pelvic inflammatory disease is a general term for infection of the uterus lining, fallopian tubes, or ovaries. If a pelvic exam is performed and PID is involved, what might be noticed? Tenderness and possibly a lump next to the uterus may be noticed. How might laparoscopy be useful for a definitive diagnosis? It will give a clearer picture of the abdomen and pelvis. Case #7: A 21 year old female presents to the ER complaining of lethargy, a stiff neck, and a headache. Initial examination reveals a high grade fever, sensitivity to light, and withdrawal from neck flexion. A history uncovers that she is a daycare worker and many students have been absent recently. What do the symptoms suggest? The Symptoms suggest that the female has Meningitis. Is this patient at particular risk for the suggested illness? People of any age can get meningitis, but because it can be easily spread among those living in close quarters, teens, college students, and boarding-school students are at higher risk for infection. What test needs to be done? Laboratory tests and a possible spinal tap will be done. How is this test performed? Taking a needle and collecting a sample of spinal fluid from the lumbar. What are the two most likely microorganisms to be found with the test from question #3? This test will show any signs of inflammation and whether a virus or bacteria is causing the infection. Does the daycare need to be notified? Yes immediately and any children that may be exposed or feel like they are sick should seek professional care right away. Case #8: A 68 year old African-American male is transported to the ER with rapid onset left sided weakness. He was watering his lawn when he suddenly dropped the hose and fell to the ground. His speech was slurred when EMS personnel arrived. The man has a history of high blood pressure and hypercholesterolemia. His exam shows left facial areflexia and drooping. CT scan of the head shows no hemorrhage. What is the diagnosis? Ischemic Stroke What is the likely location of the pathology in this instance? Location would be in his brain. What are the risk factors for this condition? Hypercholesterolemia, high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation diabetes, family history of stroke, age, and race might all be factors. What are the possible mechanisms of pathology in this case? Possible mechanisms of pathology are Thrombotic Stroke and Embolic Stroke. Which is the more likely mechanism of the pathology in this case? The Thrombotic Stroke is more likely. What is the underlying problem in this case? Hypercholesterolemia and Blood Pressure are the underlying problem. How did the underlying problem lead to this incident? High blood pressure and hypertension can lead to thickening of the arterial walls making the passage way narrow. Case #9: A 36 year old man is seeing his physician because he is becoming increasingly weak. He reports that the weakness progresses throughout the day. He has a desk job and can hardly keep his eyes open and head up by the end of the day. Other history is unremarkable. Cranial nerve examination shows weak facial muscles, inability to repeat movements, and bilateral ptosis. The patient’s shoulders droop with a very poor posture. What is the likely diagnosis? Ocular Myasthenia What is the pathogenesis of this disease? Ocular Myasthenia is a disease of the neuromuscular junction resulting in hallmark variability in muscle weakness and fatigability. What other deficits might present if untreated? If left untreated it may cause acute respiratory failure. Why do the symptoms seem to worsen later in the day? Symptoms seem worse later in the day due to physical activity throughout the day. Symptoms aren’t as bad once the person has rested. What other conditions should be ruled out? Early symptoms can be confused with Psychiatric disorders. What treatment should be sought? A blood test measuring antibodies to acetylcholine receptors; 80-90 percent of Myasthenic people show these antibodies in their blood. Case #10: Tim and Leanne are rushed to the hospital after a car accident. Tim was driving as the car was hit in the driver side door. He sustained a broken humerus from the direct impact. His arm was immobilized and he is resting in his room. Leanne, who was in the front passenger seat sustained a ruptured spleen and four adjacent broken ribs on the left side. Her wounds are from striking the middle console of the car. She is in the ICU with her chest wrapped. What are the factors that affect wound production? The wound-healing process consists of four highly integrated and overlapping phases: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and tissue remodeling or resolution Which factor is the main difference causing Tim and Leanne to have such different injuries? The main factor that causes the difference in injury here is the fact the driver side door was the one hit in the accident. What is the mechanism that caused the rupturing of Leanne’s spleen? Leanne struck the middle console of the car. What is the name of the condition in which several adjacent ribs is broken? Flail Chest Due to her broken ribs, what is Leanne at risk of developing? Rib Stress If Leanne’s lung is bruised, what other condition may develop? Leanne may develop a pulmonary contusion or bleeding of the lungs.

The Body Shop

The Body Shop The Body Shop (TBS) has developed 2500 stores in 60 countries with a range of over 1,200 products in approximately 30 years, and is the second largest cosmetic franchise in the world. After the first TBSs outlet founded in 1976, the company has experienced rapid growth and with expanding rate of 50% annually. When its stock first obtained a full listing on the London Stock Exchange, its price increased by more than 500%. In 1999, TBS was even voted as the second most trusted brand in UK by the Consumers Association. The founder, Anita Roddick had received numerous awards including Dame Commander of the British Empire for her contributions. (Roddick, Anita Lucia Overview, Personal Life, Career Details, Chronology: Anita Lucia Roddick, Social and Economic Impact). TBSs success is hard to observe from the extrinsic value but the ethical value which make the success of TBS so legendary and inspiring. Anita Roddick, founder of TBS first entered the industry by using  £4,000 to open a small stand-alone shop of natural ingredient cosmetics and skincare products. Through her early travel experience, she had seen the potential of those natural ingredients being produced as cosmetic and skincare products commercially. Due to the budget constraint, Roddick used the urine sample containers purchased from local hospital as the containers of her products. The shops walls are painted with dark green to cover the damp. To save cost on advertisement, Roddick spread aroma in front of her shop to gain attention of the patrons. The strategy pursued was a huge success and another shop was able to be opened before the first year ended. In its second year, the company started to franchise the operation and by 1984 TBS already had 138 stores while 87 of them were located outside UK. The development of the company continued to soar when it went public in 1984. At the same time, Roddick started her efforts to encourage and contribute to social and environmental problems such as campaign of issues against animal testing in cosmetic and recycling. In 1987, TBSs Trade Not Aid program started. It was aimed to help sustaining third countries people livelihood. (Roddick, Anita Lucia Overview, Personal Life, Career Details, Chronology: Anita Lucia Roddick, Social and Economic Impact) Besides, TBSs charitable activities included aiding communities close to home and various donations. Roddick was strongly persistent with her own singular vision, that business could be a force for good, and that profits could be made without compromising principles which corresponding with TBSs mission statement, To dedicate our business to the pursuit of social and environmental change. In 1990, TBS Foundation was launched to give financial support to pioneering and frontline organizations that aim to achieve progress in the areas of human and civil rights, environmental and animal protection. (TBS values campaigns) The website of TBS was launched in 1995 to keep pace with IT revolution. In 2002, Roddick stepped down as the co-chairperson of TBS In ternational PLC but remained back as non-executive director. In 2006, TBS was purchased by Loreal which is not against animal testing. This move has raised a huge controversy around the supporters of TBS, however the company clarified that it is operated independently within the Loreal Group. Until now, TBS is still the icon of ethics business for many people. These are three well-known policies that TBS taken as their core values of products: Against animal testing TBS is approved by the internationally recognized Humane Cosmetic Standard which is against conducting or commission cruel tests on animal for cosmetic ingredients and products. In 1980, animal tests were popular among cosmetics brand. Later, these numbers dropped gradually and companies bowed to public opinion and in 1999 there were none in Britain. While TBS is among one of the leading forces to object these not humane experiments, they always emphasized that they have never and will never test their cosmetic products or commission others to do it. Support community trade Most multinational corporate are just searching for cheap labour force in undeveloped countries while TBS has pioneered a program called community trade, not only about charity trade, but to achieve economic development and empowerment which provides opportunities for disadvantaged producers, especially women and indigenous people. The value chain to the advantage of producers is reconfigured, often via reducing multiple mark-up inefficiencies and cutting out exploitative middleman. TBS realized that without development of the community, any development in the community will be ineffective. (Allen R. ) As a result, the company introduces fair trade by buying the ingredients and resources they demand in the production of their products from those people with higher than market price. One of the examples is the purchase of cocoa beans from Kuapa Kokoo Company in Ghana, which is a fair trade cooperative with over 30,000 small-scale farmers. Protect our planet The 3R concept which represents reuse, recycle, refill has been utilized well in TBS. The company encourages the consumers to return the containers of their products after use to their outlets. From early 2008 onwards, 100% recycled plastic bottles and paper bags were introduced. TBS organized campaigns to raise conscious of people about the responsibility being a citizen of earth to protect the environment. Discussions Innovation and entrepreneurship are linked by a common concern for the creation of new phenomena, whether new organizations operating in increasingly competitive markets, innovation is often a condition of simple survival. For public sector organizations, ceaseless cost pressures and increasing public demands are compelling constant innovation and even new kinds of entrepreneurship. Before the company is established, European have just started to talk about green and nobodies have linked this concept with business while Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is still a new term to the industry. As firms are always pursuit profit maximizing target, bringing ethical values in may create a dilemma between these two objectives. However, having the reputation as the most fearless and passionate female entrepreneur in the history of cosmetic world, Anita Roddick refused to separate her strong personal sense of social responsibility from the company values. TBS has taken so much risk to brin g new concepts into the production and the marketing strategy. This strong commitment has given the company strength to gather loyal consumers who share common values. Eventually, TBS has proven the validity of CSR by showing a tremendous success. TBS saves a huge amount of money by not advertising but to put more efforts in social activities than other mainstream cosmetic brands, which gives it a same effect of publicity. It is an alternative way to generate mass publicity for the company without throwing big money to capture rosy commercial advertisement. A very good example of this is TBSs first major campaign in 1986 which is alliance with Greenpeace in UK, Save the Whale. This campaign has helped to promote the new product line of TBS which is using jojoba oil as the ingredient to substitute the whale spermaceti. In the cosmetics market that time, the business models are already standardized. TBS has focused on the business level strategy to obtain and sustain differentiation and advantage on competitors in the same industries. Not like other cosmetic brands which highly advertised the artificially created beauty and expensive ingredients, the products it offered provided no miracle effects other than cleaning and protecting. The usual finely designed bottles were also replaced with simple containers which are made from recyclable materials. The company also set up its own store while most of the cosmetics brands were locating them inside the shopping centre. TBS has highly concentrated on developing a drastically different image which is more focused on the ethical value and natural quality in it. The company has succeeded in challenging the accepted value curve of luxury cosmetics and beauty products to create one based on more ethical values. The social activism approach that taken by TBS has created a whole new group of consumer which is ethical living oriented. This is a very smart step taken by TBS, not only building customer loyalty based on distinctive ethical values, the company itself also benefits from gaining a high reputation and fame for environment friendly and contribution to the public. This unique positioning of TBS also made itself more invulnerable from price cutting wars. The company has presented such a distinct motive compared to other profit oriented corporations. Consumers choose products of TBS based on the conscience that generate naturally by their own judgments. Conclusion TBS has shown an exceptional entrepreneurship and achieved high recognition by creating a different corporate culture in its industry. Entrepreneur defines a person who is willing and capable of converting a new idea into a successful new product or service, while taking risks all along the way to get there. (Entrepreneurial Thinking: The Story Of Anita Roddick From TBS, 2009) It is a truly risky move as the company has to overcome the high uncertainty to implement such novel thing to the world, which later also created a whole new market that never existed before. When the company is founded, there is still no precedent of bundling ethical values together with cosmetic and skincare business, TBS is the first company to emerge this idea and adapt it into reality. TBS has the advantage to develop the market for natural ingredients made cosmetic and skincare products. The key branding has been so successful as the term green business and ethical shopping has already became its brand id entity. On a range of surveys, ethically sensitive consumers are no longer a small, if vocal, pressure group: rather, a third of the public now see themselves as strongly ethical.The eccentric and ethical style of the company could generate fierce loyalty. (Gerry Johnson, 2008) As these concepts like fair trade and green business is now in the mainstream in many countries with increasing levels of public awareness and multinational company involvement, TBS is able to retain the enthusiasm and commitment from their workers and generating stable growth. References Allen, R. (n.d.). Beyond timber: social, economic and cultural dimensions of non-wood forest products in Asia and the Pacific TBS experience. Retrieved December 3, 2009, from FAO Corporate Document Repository: Allen, S. (n.d.). Anita Roddick Redefining Business As We Know It. Retrieved December 3, 2009, from Andrew Crane, D. M. (Ed.). (2007). Corporate social responsibility Vol 3 : Corporate social responsibility in global context. London: Sage. Entrepreneurial Thinking: The Story Of Anita Roddick From TBS. (2009, February 20). Retrieved December 3, 2009, from Professional Online Publishing: New Media Trends, Communication Skills, Online Marketing Robin Goods MasterNewMedia: George R. Goethals, G. S. (2004). Encyclopedia of leadership Volume 4. Sage Publications. Gerry Johnson, K. S. (2008). Exploring corporate strategy : text cases. Financial Times Prentice Hall ; Pearson Education. Joe Tidd, J. B. (2005). Managing Innovation. West Sussex: John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Maltoni, V. (2007, September 13). Innovation: Value-based Customer Service is not Lip Service. Retrieved December 3, 2009, from Fast Company: Roddick, A. (n.d.). Retrieved December 3, 2009, from About Anita Roddick: Roddick, Anita Lucia Overview, Personal Life, Career Details, Chronology: Anita Lucia Roddick, Social and Economic Impact. (n.d.). Retrieved December 3, 2009, from Online Encyclopedia: Roy, S. (2008, September). Business as usual: A case study on TBS. Retrieved December 3, 2009, from Journal of Applied Case Research: Staunig, J. (n.d.). Design Driven Innovation Collection: TBS. Retrieved December 3, 2009, from Design Driven Innovation: Swann, G. P. (2009). The Economics of Innovation an introduction. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. TBS International plc Company History. (n.d.). Retrieved Dec 3, 2009, from Funding Universe: TBS INTERNATIONAL PLC Values report 2009. (2009). Retrieved December 3, 2009, from TBS INTERNATIONAL PLC: TBS values campaigns. (n.d.). Retrieved December 3, 2009, from TBS : Vidhya Alakeson, C. S. (2004, July). Innovation for Sustainable Development. Retrieved December 3, 2009, from Forum For The Future:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Solids, Liquids, and Gases :: essays research papers

Solids, liquids, and gases are the three main, or fundamental phases of matter. Each one has a different density and a different level of stability. What determines the stability of each phase is the bond between it's atoms. The tighter the bond between it's atoms the more stable that phase of matter is. Solids are the most stable form of matter, followed by liquids, and then gases. Solids have a definite shape and do not take the shape of their container. Liquids do not have any definite shape and do take the shape of their container, the same is true with gases. Once again it is the bond between the atoms of liquids, and gases that make it have no definite shape. The first phase of matter is solids. Solids are the most stable form of matter. Solids are more stable than liquids and gases. One type of solid is a Crystalline solid. The particles in a crystalline solid have a regular repeating pattern. The types of crystalline solids are metals, alloys, salts, valence crystals, molecular crystals, polymers, and plastics. Most elementscrystalize as metals. Some solids can also be frozen liquids. The atoms in a solid are tightly bonded which means it has a definiteshape. The second phase of matter is liquids. Liquids have no definite shape. Liquids are less orderly than solids but more orderly than gases. Liquids can flow very easily. Liquids also take the shape of their container. Most liquids are very good conductors. Most liquids are also good solvents. Some solids float in liquids depending on their density. If the solid is less dense than the liquid then it floats on the liquids surface. If the solid is more dense than the liquid then it sinks in the liquids. For example an egg normally sinks in water because it's density is higher than water's density. When you add salt to the water the density of the water becomes higher than the egg's density so the egg floats. The third and final fundamental phase of matter is gas. Gases are the least orderly of the three phases of matter. Gases take the shape of their container because of the very weak bond between their atoms. Gases are also very low in density. The average gas is 1000 times less than that of the average liquid. The volume of gas varies with many things including temperature and pressure. These are explained in Charles's and Boyle's laws. Boyle's law states that the volume of gas varies indefinitely with the pressure applied to it.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Antigone: The Conflict of Hubris, Fate, and The gods Essay -- Sophocle

Antigone: The Conflict of Hubris, Fate, and The gods Sophocles, Antigone is a classic example of the role of the gods in the life of a Grecian. It is a story of the precedent set by the gods, versus the will and actions of the characters of Antigone. Creon deceives himself into believing that he is upholding the laws set by the gods. While he would like to think of himself as being above the gods, even he can not deny their power. The humans were to revere the gods above all else, despite any obstacles that tried to displace them. Creon lies to himself to convince himself that he is not violating the laws of the gods. At first, Creon is able to ignore the edicts of the gods, because his beliefs lie shallowly within the boundaries of his mind, whereas Antigone’s reverence for the gods pierces the depths of her heart. In Antigone Creon falls victim to the tragic flaw of hubris, eventually leading the destruction of his house. Polynices and Etiocles were the rightful heirs to the thrown; however they were killed by mutual fratricide, a dishonorable way to kill and be killed. Creon’s only legitimate claim for the thrown of the house of Thebes would have been through Edipus; however, Edipus’ only claim to the thrown was the riddle of the sphinx. By Greek law this would not have transferred down to Creon, thus making his stake to the thrown an insecure one. Do to this, Creon has a plaguing fear of anarchy in his city. He wants to be a strong ruler, with no one questioning his authority, or challenging his power. This desire comes from a root of instability and illegitimacy. Creon’s first element of pride is to have a chorus that is loyal to him. If Creon could not even prove the legitimacy of his line to h... ... discusses the conflict between the will of the god’s versus the will of man, and what right Polynices even had to being buried. According to Greek culture, Creon had ever right to make a decree stating that Polynices need not be buried within city limits; however, he was going too far in his decree of no burial at all. The Irony is that in the end he ignores religion again, to have Polynices buried with the city limits, where the god’s would have wanted him outside of the city. There are many more elements of Grecian law and religion that this article discusses, and because of that this will definitely be a very helpful source. I can see many of the points that I was looking to make, backed up within this article. This article was an extremely helpful find. Works Cited Sophocles. Antigone Dover Thrift Editions New York: Dover Publications, INC. 1993

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Graduation Speech: Its All About Us! :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Hello Class of 2012! I assure you that no matter what your parents are thinking—which is something along the lines of, "I did a great job with him or her"—their conceited thoughts are irrelevant to this occasion. It's not about them; it's about us. Contrary also to what the board members (who you'll see today for the first and last time) believe, that they've earned the right to hand us our diplomas due to their perfect decision making (comedic stare and pause), this moment is also not about them; but again, about us. Then, in opposition to what every lawyer and doctor, teacher, business owner, and worker in general is thinking—which is something along the lines of, "blah blah blah, I remember my graduation"—they're just daydreams. This is not about them either; it's about us. And when we leave this place to pursue separate ambitions, the attention will never fade, the hate will never subside, the mountains will increase without fail. No matter how many people have blazed a path, rivers will not part, expectations will not reduce and therefore it will still be about us. And though we continue to grow even after being handed the diploma, to understand life, and choices, the opposite sex, the pressure of here and now, the strain placed on us from long ago, and the demands that our future will fire upon us, there will be close calls, fatalities, elation, affliction, and joy. And thus, it will remain about us. When others see us they see half of us in jail, some of us unemployed, some pregnant currently or in a month or two. They see too many blacks or too many Latinos or too many whites or Asians or Native-Americans for us to make anything of ourselves. While these thoughts are derogatory, the fact is they are still about us. When we, however, see ourselves, we see doctors, lawyers, preachers, presidents, teachers, and outstanding members of their fields and society in general, and what we think has been and will be the only thing that matters; because what we think was created by us. And we break the statistics that say this many go to jail and this many become pregnant. And we reconcile stereotypes that encourage different members of society to refrain from interacting with other members of society, and we become the long awaited for female or Black president, the owners of this and the CEO of that. Graduation Speech: It's All About Us! :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address Hello Class of 2012! I assure you that no matter what your parents are thinking—which is something along the lines of, "I did a great job with him or her"—their conceited thoughts are irrelevant to this occasion. It's not about them; it's about us. Contrary also to what the board members (who you'll see today for the first and last time) believe, that they've earned the right to hand us our diplomas due to their perfect decision making (comedic stare and pause), this moment is also not about them; but again, about us. Then, in opposition to what every lawyer and doctor, teacher, business owner, and worker in general is thinking—which is something along the lines of, "blah blah blah, I remember my graduation"—they're just daydreams. This is not about them either; it's about us. And when we leave this place to pursue separate ambitions, the attention will never fade, the hate will never subside, the mountains will increase without fail. No matter how many people have blazed a path, rivers will not part, expectations will not reduce and therefore it will still be about us. And though we continue to grow even after being handed the diploma, to understand life, and choices, the opposite sex, the pressure of here and now, the strain placed on us from long ago, and the demands that our future will fire upon us, there will be close calls, fatalities, elation, affliction, and joy. And thus, it will remain about us. When others see us they see half of us in jail, some of us unemployed, some pregnant currently or in a month or two. They see too many blacks or too many Latinos or too many whites or Asians or Native-Americans for us to make anything of ourselves. While these thoughts are derogatory, the fact is they are still about us. When we, however, see ourselves, we see doctors, lawyers, preachers, presidents, teachers, and outstanding members of their fields and society in general, and what we think has been and will be the only thing that matters; because what we think was created by us. And we break the statistics that say this many go to jail and this many become pregnant. And we reconcile stereotypes that encourage different members of society to refrain from interacting with other members of society, and we become the long awaited for female or Black president, the owners of this and the CEO of that.

Construction Case Study Essay

Resistance to organisational change is a natural reaction to those who want to protect their self-interests in the organisation. However, it is clear from the case study that the employees of XYZ Construction showed little resistance to the change implemented by the incoming managing director. The primary reason that change was welcomed was due to the former Managing Director’s management style which was not widely accepted in the organisation. Employees feared him and it was not acceptable to speak openly and honestly. Employees were aware that this behaviour was often counterproductive, and created a negative impression with the former Managing Director. As the newly appointed Managing Director had previously worked at the organisation, he was aware of certain of the issues and concerns of the employees. The experience gained from working at other companies, and the reputation he built from his career prior to returning to XYZ Construction ensured that the employees had faith in his leadership ability. The new Managing Director’s first step in developing relationships with managers and employees was to incorporate key employees into Senior Management Team activities. His actions made it clear that he was willing to retain the current workforce and promote from within the organisation. This created a positive environment which encouraged employees to work harder and produce results Employees and managers did not fear loss of employment with the new Managing Director, but rather felt included in the decision making process. The new Managing Director’s attitude and actions were clear and concise which addressed the problems within the organisation. His actions were collectively moving in the same direction, to achieve a clear goal of improving internal and external relations and improving the organisations performance. He correctly identified problem areas such as relationships, communication and the structure of the organisation. An incorrect diagnosis of the problems within an organisation may result in incorrect changes being implemented, which can lead the organisation into complete disarray. The new Managing Director identified two crucial activities to be performed in conjunction with each other to enable the transformation of the  organisation. The two activities identified were: To introduce new practices and techniques to improve service to customers and thus improve the organisation’s performance. To change the attitudes and behaviour of employees By identifying the two activities above, the new Managing Director identified crucial steps to improve its performance. Only through improving services to customers can the overall organisation’s performance improve. A satisfied customer is likely to return and recommend the organisation to others. This is directly linked to the growth of the organisation. The new Managing Director is aware that to provide better service to customers, the employees will have to develop and learn new practices and techniques to ensure superior service quality is provided to customers. The implementation of the second activity is critical to the success of the overall goal of improved customer relationships. The employees and managers attitudes and behaviours are to be transformed to ensure the best results are achieved. Employees and managers who were unhappy under the former Managing Director are more willing to adhere to the recommended changes. The willingness to adhere also stems from the approaches presented being feasible and there is no fear for loss of employment. The changes bring new opportunities for employees and managers to develop in their current roles and possibly grow into new roles. The potential positive outcomes as a result of these changes are a contributing factor in the lack of resistance experienced by the Managing Director. The cost effectiveness of the changes implemented also contributed to the lack of resistance from employees. The new Managing Director introduced a small-scale Kaizen programme. The programme was introduced with the four goals namely (Burnes, 2009, p. 162); ï‚ · Improvements could be achieved on a quick low cost/no cost basis Promote teamwork Build manager’s confidence such that they can delegate work Empower staff The goals above are all positive resulting in the support of employees and minimises resistance to change. An additional contributing factor was the Managing Directors’ communication regarding his commitment to this initiative. This eradicates any confusion regarding the implementation of this change, and strengthens the â€Å"buy-in† of employees and manager. 3 Introducing a new management style This section will discuss the following statement and to what extent I agree or disagree with the statement; â€Å"the new Managing Director has not changed the culture of XYZ Construction but has merely introduced a new management style†. 3.1 Organisational Culture To understand the statement clearly, the term organisational culture needs to be defined and understood. Organisational culture is defined as â€Å"the  collection of basic assumptions, values, norms and artefacts that are shared by and influence the behaviour of an organisation’s members† (Burnes, 2009, p. 600). Organisation culture is also commonly defined as â€Å"how organisations do things† (Watkins, 2013). 3.2 Management Style The management style of XYZ Construction changed from an autocratic management style to a participative style when the new Managing Director was appointed. The former Managing Director was feared by his colleagues, where open and honest relationships did not exist. Autocratic leadership is an extreme form of transactional leadership, characterised by a manager who makes decisions on his own without input from colleagues. This type of management style has the advantage that decisions can be made quickly and efficiently, however this approach is not suitable in all organisations and is limited in its application. The disadvantage of this approach is that it leads to high employee turnover, demotivated employees and poor performance (Unknown, 2013). The autocratic management style of the former Managing Director was not suitable for XYZ Construction and was identified by the parent company. The parent company’s view was that the company was underperforming due to the poor management and lack of cooperation within the organisation. Once the former Managing Director retired he was replaced by a new Managing Director with the primary objective to improve the overall managerial competency and improve the performance of the organisation. The new Managing Director displayed a Participative management style, which was required for the necessary operation, culture and structure changes in the organisation. A Participative management style is characterised by managers that â€Å"use various decision procedures that allow other people some influence over the leader’s decision† (Yukl, 2013, p. 115). This is clearly displayed in the New Managing Directors action of inclusion of key employees who were not directors to p articipate in Senior Management Team. This action has a significant impact on relationship building within the organisation and an impact on the structure. The organisation under former management was hierarchical conscious which hinders the development  of relationship and the sharing of information and ideas. The new approach in management style results in a culture change in the organisation. 3.3 Discussion I agree with the statement, with the effect that a culture change has taken place in XYZ Construction under the new Managing Director, however this was achieved by the change in the managerial style rather by changing the culture. The new Managing Director’s participative managing style, has allowed for a culture change. Employees and managers are able to speak openly and honestly changing the norms within the organisation. The transformation is a long-term change with initiatives rolled-out in intervals. This allows for employees and managers to acquire and develop the necessary skills and characteristics at each level before moving to the next step of the transformation. The new Managing Director’s management style requires that the attitude and behaviours to be changed of both employees and managers to meet the demands of the initiatives aimed at increasing the organisation’s performance. My agreement with the statement is not significant, as the new Managing Director has brought upon a new management style however the initiatives that he proposed require a change in culture. A culture change of the employees and managers supports that new Managing Director’s management style. 4 South African context South Africa as a country has been transforming during the post-apartheid regime. The most significant transformation that is currently taking place in organisations is the implementation of various BBBEE initiatives, one of which is to increase in females in the workplace. The BBBEE initiative focusses on reconciling indiscretions of the past and allowing for the workplace to be balanced based on race, gender and disabilities. There are many examples of organisations in South Africa where this transformation has taken place. An example of this transformation is in PPC Ltd. which  appointed Ketso Gordhan as the new CEO effective 1 January 2013 (Allix, 2012). Ketso Gordhan’s extensive experience in multiple industries such as his role as director-general in the Ministry of transport, serving in the Presidency and head of private equity in FirstRand makes him extremely capable and suitable for the position. His experience in the multiple he roles he has fulfilled has provided him with knowledge as to how to bring change to an organisation. The cement industry had faced a major fall in sales during the financial recession coupled with competitive forces. These factors had started to be addressed by the former CEO with the goal of growing the business and earning a significant portion of profits through operations in Africa (Allix, 2012). It was at this point that Ketso Gordhan was appointed with the crucial task of growing operations into Africa. The approach that was taken by Ketso Gordhan to achieve this goal is based on two key strategies of expanding business into Africa and to keep current operations in South Africa to operate efficiently (â€Å"keep the home fires burning†) (Allix, 2013). Ketso Gordhan made the goals and the direction taken very clear to ensure a collective drive from employees. His actions are the same actions taken by the newly appointed Managing Director of XYZ Construction. Ketso Gordhan made he’s commitment to PPC Ltd. clear through his actions as well as through the acquisition of PPC Ltd. shares summing a total of R30 million (Shevel, 2014). This action indicated internally and externally he’s commitment and faith in the organisation to achieve a significant improvement in the organisation’s performance (Hasenfuss, 2013). Ketso Gordhan’s management style has brought a culture change in the organisation. The culture change has included a more hands-on approach from the CEO with constant   interaction with employees and managers. This once again reinforces his ideas and motivation in the workplace. Earlier in 2014, Ketso Gordhan reduced his salary by R1m in an effort to  support the reduction of salary gap between the highest and the lowest paid employee in the organisation. He took grievances from the lowest paid employees and acted to resolve the items. He approached the top 60 managers, asking whether they would volunteer their increases to be distributed to the lowest paid employees. This approach enabled the organisation to increase 1 200 of the lowest paid employees salary by R10 000 per year and an interest related increase later in the year (Shevel, 2014). This initiative received great response from employees, which was primarily attributed to the feeling that grievances were heard and action was taken. The initiative allowed the CEO salary to reduce from 120 times the lowest paid employee to 48 times with the clear goal to reach 40 times in future. This was achieved through the decrease in the highest paid salary and the increase in the lowest paid salaries (Shevel, 2014). The initiative has an impact external to the organisation. In South Africa which currently is facing numerous problems, one clear problem in the large economic gaps that exists. The actions of Ketso Gordhan are an encouragement to fellow JSE-listed organisation’s CEO to follow suit and attempt to reduce the large salary gaps that exist in many organisations. Collective actions will enable the country to reach goals of social development at a faster rate. Ketso Gordhan is a participative leader which is clear through his engagement with the organisationâ€⠄¢s employees and through the initiative he has developed. He has initiated the â€Å"I Care, PPC Cares† programme coupled with the Kambuku philosophy in the organisation (PPC Ltd, 2014). This philosophy and initiative is aimed at addressing the following (PPC Ltd, 2014): Disparity between the cost of living and salaries of lower-level employees Substandard housing and access to housing for some employees Effectiveness of first-line managers and team members Individual development plans and organisational climate initiatives Improving the perception of employees in terms of job satisfaction The philosophy is aimed at not only improving the internal environment but also the external environment of the organisation, such as the assistance in providing housing for employees. The approach is very fitting in the South African context. References Allix, M., 2012. Ketso Gordhan to replace Paul Stuiver at PPC. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 3 May 2014]. Allix, M., 2013. Safika deal to help PPC ‘keep the home fires burning’. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 3 May 2014]. Burnes, B., 2009. Managing Change. 5th ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Hasenfuss, M., 2013. PPC chief Ketso Gordhan splashes out on cement firm’s stock. [Online] Available at: n-splashes-out-on-cement-firms-stock [Accessed 3 May 2014]. Investopedia, 2014. Definition of ‘Kaizen’. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 April 2014]. PPC Ltd, 2014. Our People. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 3 May 2013]. Shevel, A., 2014. Ketso Gordhan: Laying the foundations for a fairer workplace. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 3 May 2013]. Stroh, U., 2005. Chapter 3: Approaches to Change Management, Pretoria: University of Pretoria etd. Unknown, 2013. Leadership Styles. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 30 April 2014]. Watkins, M., 2013. What Is Organizational Culture? And Why Should We Care?. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 30 April 2014]. Yukl, G., 2013. Leadership on Organizations. 8th ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.